Evaluation of Associate Professors

Associate professors are evaluated comparatively in the appointment procedure according to the University Act §99-4. 

  • As a rule, every 3 years the Rectorate advertises a number of university professorships without subject dedication, as specified in the development plan, for which only associate professors of the University of Vienna can apply.
  • As a basis for the evaluation, the associate professor prepares structured application documents in which the fulfillment of international standards for a university professorship is explained:
    • Outstanding achievements in research
    • Excellent publication activity
    • International scientific reputation
    • Experience in the conception, acquisition and management of larger (especially third-party funded) research projects
    • Willingness and ability to lead research groups and supervise theses and support young academics (especially doctoral students and postdocs)
    • Excellent teaching, if possible at all curricular levels (bachelor's, master's, doctorate)
  • Standardized descriptions of the teaching, examination, supervision, publication and third-party funding as well as the results of the course evaluations are attached as an appendix. These data sheets are prepared by the Unit for Quality Assurance.
  • The comparative evaluation of the candidates is carried out in clusters by panels based on three external, internationally obtained peer reviews per candidate.
  • The panels create a proposal for the rector for each cluster.
  • The rector decides on the appointment.

The Unit for Quality Assurance: 

  • designs the evaluation process
  • prepares the performance data in research, teaching, examinations, supervision, third-party funds, teaching evaluations
  • researches for reviewers and checks them for potential bias towards the candidate

 The administration of the procedure is carried out by the Tenure Track Team.


Mag. Dr. Michael Hofer

T: +43-1-4277-18010

Claudia Stermsek, BA

T: +43-1-4277-18006