Ombuds Office for Ensuring Compliance with Good Academic Practice
The Ombuds Office of the University of Vienna for Ensuring Compliance with Good Academic Practice considers itself the first contact point for researchers wishing to lodge a complaint about academic misconduct.
Internal Investigation
- We ask you to send all documents (e.g. publications) that are relevant to the complaint directly to the ombuds office via (Claudia Stermsek).
- First, the ombudsperson conducts preliminary inquiries.
- If the suspicion of scientific misconduct cannot be refuted, the Standing Committee will investigate the case.
Allegations of plagiarism in theses or dissertations
- To investigate allegations of plagiarism in diploma or master theses as well as dissertations, please contact the Studienpräses directly via
External Investigation
You are of course free to contact the Austrian Agency for Scientific Integrity (OeAWI) directly instead of the ombuds office.
ÖAWI uses a BKMS whistleblowing system.
Through the BKMS Incident Reporting and the associated application of the BKMS Whistleblowing software, requests for information and advice, reports to the commission of the ÖAWI, but also the transmission of confidential documents can be carried out in a technically highly secure and, if necessary, anonymous manner.
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Data Protection
Claudia Stermsek, BA
Universität Wien
Ombudsstelle der Universität Wien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis
c/o Besondere Einrichtung für Qualitätssicherung
Universitätsstraße 5
A-1010 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-18006