QM network meeting of Austrian universities
On April 20th and 21st, 2022 the 31st meeting of the network for quality management and quality development of the Austrian universities took place at the University of Vienna.

University experts for quality assurance met at the University of Vienna for a professional exchange.

In the QM network, the inter-university exchange takes place about quality management at the Austrian public universities.

Michael Hofer, Head of the Unit for Quality Assurance at the University of Vienna and organizer of the meeting with his team, welcomed around 50 participants from all over Austria.

Jean-Robert Tyran, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, explained the strategic perspective on quality assurance in doctoral studies and in the doctoral schools at the University of Vienna.

Lucas Zinner, Head of DLE Research Services and Career Development, spoke about the European developments in quality assurance in doctoral studies over the past 20 years.

Astrid Baerwolf, expert in quality assurance at the University of Vienna, presented the results of the annual survey of doctoral researchers.

In ten thematic working groups, there was a mutual exchange of experience and information on quality assurance in research and the promotion of early career researchers.

Lukas Mitterauer, deputy head of the Unit for Quality Assurance at the University of Vienna, in the working group on research orientation in bachelor studies.

Jürgen Roth, expert in quality assurance at the University of Vienna, in the working group on quality management of recruitment and career development of researchers.

Other working groups were devoted to surveys, research evaluations with peers, quality assurance of master's theses and dissertations, and research impact and outreach.

Other topics related to research quality management in audits and certifications, research-supporting services, research governance and in the European University Alliances.

Katharina Warta, alumna of the University of Vienna and managing director of Technopolis Austria, gave a lecture on "Evaluation of research: conceptual positioning, new formats, concrete examples".

After two years of the corona pandemic, the personal exchange at the network meeting was felt to be particularly valuable.