Teaching in STEM studies at a high level: students give courses good grades


The results of the course evaluation at the University of Vienna in the winter semester 2022 show that students are very satisfied with teaching in STEM studies.

1,722 courses in biology, business informatics, chemistry, computer science, earth sciences, geography, geophysics, mathematics, meteorology, nutritional sciences, pharmacy, physics and psychology were evaluated by students using questionnaires.

In response to the question "Overall, I think the course is ... very good - very poor," students gave a mean score of 1.79 on the five-point grading scale 1-5, which is the same result as the previous evaluation of this subject cluster. Biology did particularly well with an overall grade of 1.63. Computer science teaching improved the most to a grade of 2.1. Mathematics showed a continuous improvement at a high level from 1.74 (WS 2019) to 1.69 (SS 2021) to now 1.64 (WS 2022).


Where are aggregated results per study program published?


How will the results be used to improve teaching?

A.     Instructors will receive the results of their courses with the comparative scores for the respective study programme. Professional development opportunities for faculty are provided by the Center for Teaching and Learning.

B.     Students hear from their professors about actions derived from course evaluations and discuss ways to improve teaching in study conferences with faculty and programme directors.

C.      Directors of study programmes receive aggregate metrics for university-wide classification of study programme-specific results as well as access to reports from all instructors in the respective study programme. Findings from course evaluations are incorporated into the evaluation of the study programmes.

D.     The Vice Rectorate for Educational Affairs discusses results, findings and measures for improving teaching in discussions with the directors of study programmes.

E.      The results of the course evaluation are an important basis for the assessment of teaching quality for the awarding of teaching prizes, for the evaluation of professors, for the tenure review of assistant professors and senior lecturers.

Students in a laboratory

© Arnold Poeschl