Evaluation of Teaching Affairs and Student Services Unit completed


The evaluation of the Student Services and Teaching Service Centre has been completed. The three focus topics of the evaluation were digitalisation and its transformative effect, staff development/skills development and student recruitment, admission and support.

As part of the evaluation process, the service unit first carried out a self-evaluation, followed by a site visit. The international evaluators, chaired by Professor Beatrix Busse (Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies, University of Cologne), recognised the following strengths, among others: "High intrinsic motivation and identification of the individual employees with the tasks and the service unit Teaching Affairs and Student Services; Important system knowledge of service units and the university as a whole among the individual employees; Impressive development since the last evaluation; Science-based in parts, which is also documented by nationally and internationally visible research, teaching, third-party funding and publications; Good communication, exchange, service and information tools: e.g. e-multipliers, SPL conferences, newsletters; There are numerous employees with a lot of experience and networking within/outside the DLE SLW and the University of Vienna."

Development potential is seen by the evaluators, among other things, for the development of a future-oriented concept of good teaching, to provide even better support for the further improvement of student success and for strategic controlling: "In our view, too much focus on the digitalisation of teaching and the digitally savvy face-to-face university distracts from dealing with a comprehensive, future-oriented concept of good teaching and the quality of teaching and learning. [...] With a view to academic success, it is worthwhile to scientifically monitor and evaluate this [online self-assessment] as well as all other measures for student orientation. [...] we recommend holistic strategic controlling, which brings together the data on studying and teaching collected in various places with scientific expertise and appropriate scientific personnel and uses it for the strategic capability of the university, the individual units and the faculties and also the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit."

The results of the evaluation were discussed in detail by the Rectorate with the leadership of the service unit. Several expert suggestions for improvement were included in the implementation agreement. The agreed measures are monitored as part of the target agreement process.

The evaluation report and statement by the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit are available to university members at https://qs.univie.ac.at/en/evaluation/administration-service/evaluation-reports/.

Evaluation of Teaching Affairs and Student Services Unit completed

© Barbara Mair