As part of the evaluation process, the Communication unit first carried out a self-evaluation, followed by a site visit. The international evaluators, chaired by Dr. Jeanne Rubner (Vice President Global Communication and Public Engagement, TU Munich), identified the following strengths, among others: „The University of Vienna has a highly motivated team for Corporate Communications (CC) that is qualified to cover a broad range of responsibilities and tasks. A number of major initiatives are driven by the team together with the rectorate as well as other internal stakeholders to enhance communication of the university internally as well as externally.”
Development potential is seen for data-supported prioritisation, the renewal of the website and improvements to the intranet, among other things: “The panel recommends the formulation of a clear mandate of top priorities together with and backed by the rectorate to ensure efficient cooperation and governance of Corporate Communications as the central communication function together with local communication functions within other units of the university, e.g. faculties following the lead of Corporate Communication. The panel thus recommends a clear, data-driven prioritization of tasks and projects. […] After considering the in-depth feedback of internal stakeholders of the university, the panel sees the launch of the new website as well as intensive enhancements on the promotion of the intranet, its user friendliness and quality content as paramount.”
The results of the evaluation were discussed in detail by the Rectorate with the leadership of the Communication unit. Several expert suggestions for improvement were included in the implementation agreement. The agreed measures are monitored as part of the target agreement process.
The evaluation report and statement by the Communication unit are available to university members at