Universität Wien
1.1 At the beginning of the course, the learning outcomes, content and assessment criteria were explained in sufficient detail.
I strongly agree
I strongly disagree
1.2 The lecturer is very motivating.
1.3 I am able to explain the most important content from this course to less advanced students in a comprehensible and clear manner.
1.4 The University of Vienna strives to combat discrimination. If there were situations of any kind of discriminatory behaviour (for example, on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation) in the course, please describe them here:
1.5 To complete this course, students have an intended workload of X hours (X ECTS credits). In your opinion: Will you invest more or less hours to complete this course?
much more
much less
1.6 Optional: Please specify why you will invest more/less hours than intended:
1.7 Please specify why you will invest less hours than intended:
1.8 Overall, I would rate the course as
very good
very bad
2.1 What semester are you in?
2.2 Are you employed during the semester?
2.3 If yes, for how many hours per week?
3.1 …appears to be well prepared for the course.
3.2 …presents the material in an intelligible fashion.
3.3 …tries to get the students excited about the subject.
3.4 …offers students an opportunity for specialist exchange outside of the course.
4.1 The course is well structured in terms of content.
4.2 The course is well-organised.
4.3 I find the requirements posed by the course to be
too high
too low
4.4 In comparison with other similar courses, the amount of work I have to do is
4.5 The technical equipment is satisfactory.
4.6 The supervision was appropriate throughout the entire course.
4.7 I got the chance to sufficiently test practical skills.
4.8 I received sufficient training in the handling of the devices and laboratory equipment.
4.9 I learned to adhere to the applicable safety standards.
4.10 I received enough assistance (oral explanations or written instructions) when working on my partial achievements.
4.11 The lecturer provides helpful feedback on the students' contributions and questions.
4.12 The teacher demonstrated how the topics discussed are relevant to the discipline.
4.13 The importance of the course for achieving the learning outcomes was discussed.
4.14 It is obvious that the course is relevant to a future career.
5.1 Comments on the course and the lecturer:
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